About the CEPP
The Center for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice (CEPP) is a cross-faculty research facility at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Its aim is to contribute to both the discussion and solution of current social problems by coordinating and promoting research and teaching in the field of ethics while making it accessible for a wider public. The CEPP serves as an inter-faculty juncture for top-class research and teaching on application-oriented topics of ethics and practical philosophy. In addition, the CEPP aims at having a networking effect to the society, making the interlinking of science and normative reflection visible for a general public, and thus complementing LMU’s "third mission" activities.
Ethics at the Cutting Edge
The CEPP strives to identify important ethical issues in society, politics and science and to address them in research, teaching and public events. The social and technological changes during the last few decades initiated a transformation for practical philosophy in general as well as for the field of philosophical ethics in particular. The ethical consequences of artificial intelligence, climate change or the development and pluralization of our societies through migration – to name just a few current examples – are only just beginning to show their full implications. On the one hand, this confronts us with practical problems, since new areas of conflict require new, publicly justifiable solutions. On the other hand, however, it also requires theoretical reflection, since traditional terms and principles of philosophical ethics must be reviewed for their topicality and modified if necessary.
Research and Exchange at ZEPP
The CEPP provides an independent program of events, which is aimed at students, teachers and the public alike. It offers rooms (M-210) and support for the organisation of workshops, conferences and meetings on topics of ethics and practical philosophy. Besides, the CEPP holds its own research library with around 4200 books for advanced students and members of the LMU chairs. The CEPP serves as a host institution for students and researchers who want to do research on ethics and practical philosophy at the LMU. Furthermore, the Munich Graduate School for Ethics in Practice (MKEP) is associated with the CEPP. The MKEP trains philosophical ethicists with focused practical relevance and specializes in public and professional ethical discourses.
The spokesperson for the CEPP is Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler, the academic director is Dr. des. Marius Baumann.