Center for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice

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MGCE 2020

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, MGCE will take place on July 30th/31st as planned. It will be a virtual conference conducted fully via Zoom. Please register with and we will update you in due course about the details.


Ten postgraduate speakers will be invited to present their work in talks of 20min, which will each be followed by a commentary by a PhD student from LMU and about 15min of discussion. The keynote will be given by Prof Catriona Mackenzie (Macquarie).

We invite submissions by MA students, PhD students as well as researchers who obtained their PhD no later than 2018.
Submission deadline is March 31st 2020, and we aim to get back to applicants by May 1st.

If you like to attend the conference, please register until June 30th at Please view the Call for Abstracts for further information.

The conference is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse environment. We welcome participants from any background, and in particular encourage members of underrepresented groups to apply and participate. We aim to provide childcare as well as a quiet room, and will be doing our best to make this conference an accessible, supportive and friendly space for everyone. Everyone is free to leave the conference at any time for any reason. If you have any other requirements facilitating your attendance, do not hesitate to get in touch.

The conference will be complemented with an academic career workshop. It will address prevalent questions and issues of early career researchers, and will have a special focus on career prospects for members of underrepresented groups in academia.

Please direct any questions and enquiries to

The conference is generously supported by the University of Munich (LMUMentoring), the Munich Centre for Ethics (Münchner Kompetenzzentrum Ethik, MKE), Friends of the MCE (Freundeskreis des MKE e.V.), and SWIP Germany.