Center for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice

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Prof. Onora O'Neill (Cambridge University)

Onora O'Neill_m

Onora O’Neill is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Cambridge University and a member of the British House of Lords. She has made seminal contributions to the fields of ethics, especially in the Kantian tradition, the philosophy of law, as well as political philosophy, especially the work of John Rawls. She is a former president of the British Academy, former chair of the Nuffield Foundation, founding president of the British Philosophical Association and recipient of the prestigious Berggruen Prize.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath (Freie Universität Berlin)

Stefan Gosepath is Professor of Practical Philosophy at the Free University Berlin (Germany). He is co-director of the Centre for Advanced Studies “Justitia Amplificata: Rethinking Justice: Applied and Global” together with Rainer Forst. He works mainly on justice, equality, morality and human rights. Before coming to Berlin he was professor of International Political Theory and Philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt-am-Main, in the Cluster of Excellence, “The Formation of Normative Orders”. Previously he has been a professor at the universities of Bremen, Giessen, Potsdam, Vienna and Visiting Fellow at Harvard University, Columbia University and New York University. Further information can be found at:

Prof. Laura Valentini (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München)

Laura Valentini is Professor of Political Philosophy at the LMU. Prior to joining LMU in 2021, she was a Professor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics at KCL (where she retains a Visiting Professorship), an Associate Professor of Political Science at LSE, and a Lecturer in Political Philosophy at UCL. She has held visiting positions at the Australian National University, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, the University of Uppsala, and Harvard University - working on international justice and methodology of normative theorizing, as in her monograph Justice in a Globalized World: A Normative Framework. In 2015, she was awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize in Politics and International Relations for her work on duties of justice and humanitarian assistance.

Prof. Jeremy Waldron (New York University, School of Law)

Jeremy Waldron is Professor of Legal and Political Philosophy at NYU School of Law. Until recently, he was also Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford University (All Souls College) and has taught at the University of Edinburgh; the University of California, Berkeley; Princeton University; and Columbia Law School. Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1998 and a fellow of the British Academy since 2011, Waldron has written extensively on jurisprudence and political theory, including numerous books and articles on theories of rights and the philosophy of international law, among which his most recent monograph Dignity, Rank, and Rights.