Center for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice

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Elizabeth O’Neill, PhD

ZEPP-Fellow, Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University


Elizabeth O’Neill is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Eindhoven University of Technology and a Research Fellow in the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT) research consortium. Previously, she was a Research Fellow at the Digital Life Initiative at Cornell Tech. She obtained her PhD from the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh.

Research at the ZEPP

Elizabeth O’Neill works in the areas of moral epistemology, moral psychology, philosophy of biology, and applied ethics (especially AI ethics and privacy/surveillance). While visiting ZEPP, she will be researching large language model (LLM)–based chatbots that employ moral terms and appear to engage in moral discourse. The aim is to (a)characterize some important classes of “moral conversational tasks” that LLM-based chatbots are currently performing and (b) develop preliminary ethical recommendations regarding the moral conversational tasks that LLM-based chatbots should be permitted to perform.